Our Story

25 years of The New Celtic

We are celebrating our 25th year at the New Celtic Restaurant and Takeaway-a silver anniversary to be cherished.
In 1982 we bought the Spar shop in Aberaeron and converted the basement into a café (The farmhouse Kitchen) Then, Years later, a corner part of the shop was turned into a fish and chip takeaway (The Corner Chippy).
In 1994 when the New Celtic Restaurant and Takeaway came up for sale at 8 Market Street, we felt it was an opportunity not to be missed.
We have made many changes over the years with several refits and redecorating, the latest this year with a new shop front and re-fit to takeaway.
We wish to thank our customers and our staff for helping to make The New Celtic what it is today and we look forward to our happy and enjoyable next 25 years.
Rydym yn dathlu ein 25ain mlynedd yn yr New Celtic Restaurant a Takeaway-penblwydd arian I’w anrhydeddu.
Mor bell yn ol a 1982 fe wnaethom fentro I fyd busnes a phrynu’r siop spar Aberaeron a throsi’r llawr isaf yn gaffi (The farmhouse Kitchen) Yna, flynyddoedd yn ddiweddarach, cafodd rhan o gornel y siop throi’n clud-bwyd bysgod a sglodion (The corner Chippy) Ond ym 1994 pan ddaeth The New Celtic Restaurant and Takeaway ar werth yn 8 Heol Y Farchnad, teimlo’n fod yn gyfle na ddylid ei golli.
Rydym wedi gwneud llawer o newidiadau dros y blynyddoedd gyda sawl ailosod ac ailaddurno, y diweddaraf eleni gyda siop ffrynt Newydd ac ailososd y’r clud-fwyd.
Hoffem ddiolch I’n cwsmeriaid a’n staff presennol a’r gorffennol am helpu I wneud The New Celtic yr hyn ydyw heddiw.
Edrychwn ymlaen at ein 25 mlynedd hapys a phleserus nesaf.
Visit Us New Celtic Celebrating 30 Years

8 Market Street, Aberaeron, SA460AS

No Booking nescessary

 Bookings not taken , first come, first serve basis  7 days a week.